The Grown-Ups

When we got home from West Virginia several weeks ago and I uploaded the 100's of pictures I'd taken and realized that there were no photos of the grown-ups, I resolved to do a much better job of documenting all of us, not just the cute kiddos. Well, I can't say that I improved much during our Oklahoma trip, but here are two grown-up pictures anyway.

By the way, both of these were taken with my rented 85mm lens, and I just might have wanted to shed a few tears when I returned it. ;)

Becky and William


Elizabeth Frick said…
ah, lens envy...
Beautiful!!! I totally shed a tear at the UPS store myself...
Becky said…
Okay, I am now rethinking ever just pulling my hair back in a pony tail, my hair looks completely short and scary, not pulled back!

btw, I would like a copy of that pic sometime! :)
Krista said…
Isn't that the way it always works? I never have any pics of Alex and I since I'm the one with the camera in hand... shesh.

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