So many pictures . . .

. . . so little time. Between all the family visits, out of town trips, birthdays, afternoon at the pool, VBS, etc., my computer is overflowing with cute pictures, and I haven't even had time to go through them and edit them, much less post them to the blog, and I'm resigning myself to the fact that I'm just not going to get to them any time soon. I've pulled out just a couple to share today, and the rest will have to wait patiently on my hard drive until I can scrap them.

The Birthday Boy
Look at her form! :)

He's so scared of water but managed to make it down the slide without too much coaxing. Check out how tightly his eyes and mouth are closes. LOL
I love this one. Camden really wanted to help her float and instead they ended up hugging and giggling.
Brian being a good sport and being the water balloon target.

This is what happens when you take a 7 year old to a restaurant with the movie Cars playing overhead.
Bad picture I know, but love his face as he realizes he just got a new Wii game.


Elizabeth Frick said…
lovely. these made me smile :)
SHUT. UP. The photos kept getting better... how is that even possible?!?

(And I so hear you... I'm so far behind!)
Krista said…
You have such a great eye! And such great subjects...

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