Star Wars

Our boy has been obsessed, and I do mean obsessed with all things Star Wars for the past year or so. That obsession is always intensified after spending time with his cousin Logan, who shares his passion. Logan bought him this paper model book thingy (yes, the technical term for it) for his birthday and they made the mask he's wearing in the picture. Camden also received a Star Wars book that basically retells the Battle of the Clone Wars in excruciating detail. (Seriously, took me forever to read it to him.) After he spent the entire time correcting my pronunciation of all the names, I informed him that he was going to have to learn to read that book on his own because I was done. Have I mentioned that he's never. even. seen. any. Star. Wars. movie. And I think I'm happy to keep it that way because I cannot imagine the depth of obsession he'd move to if he actually saw the movies.

By the way, he's been begging me to put this picture on the blog ever since I took it Friday.


Elizabeth Frick said…
Thank you for my Monday morning giggle!
Amanda said…
My kids love Star Wars also and I will have to show Tre' this picture. He will love Camden's helmet.
I love that Camden's been begging you to put this photo up! I don't blame him... it's fabulous!

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