Summer of Love

I'm going to remember this as the summer that Camden and Rory finally grew to love each other. Yes, I realize we've been a family of 4 for nearly 2.5 years, but it's seriously taken this long. We've had brief glimpses of sibling love (more from Rory than Camden), but those moments were few and far between. This summer, however, their relationship has changed completely. Rory seeks comfort from Camden, and he wants to give comfort. He has become protective of her. They actually play and laugh and giggle together. In fact, it's become normal for them to disappear somewhere in the house and play for hours. They don't want to be apart. Not that there aren't still fights and screeching and craziness, but they've become the exception rather than the rule. Camden (who loved school) has decided he doesn't want to go back to school because Rory can't go with him. Now I'm sure that things will not stay this peaceful in our house. I fully realize there will be lots of phases and fighting in the years to come. But I do feel as if we've hit a milestone, and I love seeing sweet little moments between them.


Amanda said…
So precious!!
Elizabeth Frick said…
How wonderfully lovely!!! I hope to be there someday too :)
I'm a wee bit teary here. That is an amazing photo as well, and should be made into a canvas and hung in your house. :-)

PS - If the UPS guy would ever get here I would have a new rental lens to play with!
Becky said…
this is seriously too precious!! i know that there is a page in the works for this, right?

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