A Full Week

Tuesday night was the Summer 2010 edition of Girl's Night Out with my two favorite friends. We always try to choose a chick flick (this year's choice was Knight and Day) and then laugh our way through it followed by dinner. It's a beautiful thing to have friends who know all your faults and still love you (not to mention laugh at those faults). We spent most of the evening giggling over a very surprise pregnancy for one of those friends. :)

Wednesday I walked with my friend Andrea then spent the day working around the house and ran a few errands. We also made a trip to the TN church camp where several of our students are attending this week. Rory was so excited to hear she was going to go to camp and asked if she should bring her toothbrush.

Today involves more of the same: housework, grocery shopping, preparing for company. Last year I bought a little Leap Frog toy on clearance that records and plays your voice, and the kids have spent countless hours the last 2 days making potty noises, giggling, screaming instructions into it, etc. If I'd have known how much it would entertain them, I would have pulled that thing out much earlier!

Our weather has been beautiful the last two days. It was actually 65 this morning when I left the house at 6:30 to walk. Love it! I am sure the cooler weather is not here to stay, but we're going to enjoy it while it lasts.

I've spent several moments in panic mode over the last 2 days thinking about our schedule the next 3 weeks which include the following: visit from family, celebrating Camden's 7th birthday (twice), trip to West Virginia, a week of VBS, a trip to Texas, a trip to Oklahoma, and 3 days of in-service for Brian. Anyone else tired just thinking about it?

Shabby Miss Jenn: Summer Ponies


Elizabeth Frick said…
you guys keep busy even in the summer!
We just came off a crazy three weeks here that sound similar to yours! Good luck, and remember to schedule some down time right after all the craziness, I mean fun!

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