There's No Place Like Home

After logging 33 hours in the car over the last 6 days, we are all so glad to be home. We had a great time, but the kids were just ecstatic to be in their own beds. They both kept saying over and over how much they missed their beds, house, toys, etc.

I took way too many photos (of course), but editing and posting them is just going to have to wait since my room is currently filled with suitcases for a family of 4 who just returned from a 6 day trip, there is laundry and grocery shopping to be done not to mention jumping back on the treadmill and attempting to get back on a schedule since we only have a week before Camden goes back to school. And remember that photography class I was supposed to start last week? Haven't even touched it.

Here's just one picture from the weekend, and I'm pretty proud of it - they're all cute and smiling and looking (in the general direction) towards the camera!

Camden, Xavier, Rory, William


Elizabeth Frick said…
great shot! welcome home :)
Anonymous said…
Glad you're home safe and sound and had a good trip. Love the picture of the kids.
Great shot! And good luck digging out!

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