I think they had fun

Well, I would like to say that I am caught up both on sleep and unpacking as well as having a clean house, but grocery shopping, making cookies for Brian's school event, consignment sale, taking photos for Kelly, and general house/kid stuff kept me much busier than planned. Oh, and then there's the little matter of my photography class that I spent way too much time on yesterday. ;) Today is do or die with the house since my in-laws are coming for breakfast tomorrow. Nothing like a little incentive to make me buckle down and do something productive.

We spent the morning at a splash pad on Monday with William and Xavier. If you can believe it, this was our first trip to a splash pad, and I'm pretty sure they had fun.


Amanda said…
Wish we had a good splash pad around here. They are so fun.
Elizabeth Frick said…
Love the water play - surefire winner in the summer :)
That looks like a blast! I think that spending too much time on photo classes is better than the alternative of not enough time. Like someone I know. (me)
Krista said…
Gotta love spraying water!!

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