
Camden's second day of school was fine, although he seemed pretty disgusted by the fact that they worked on shapes and colors all day. Brian says he's sure they're still evaluating the kindergarten class to see where everyone's skill level is. We knew that alot of this year would be a review since he was in K-4 (and is now 6), and I hope that it doesn't discourage him. Rory repeated her car performance yesterday after we dropped Camden off: "where is Camden" "I don't want Camden to stay at school."

Camden and Rory seem to be taking a while to get back in the groove when he gets home from school. Rory spends the first hour screeching every time he touches her toy; Camden bosses her around cause she's a "baby." Both nights it has taken until about suppertime before they really settle in and start playing again.

Brian has survived his first two days of school as well, but comes home exhausted. Until you've been a teacher (or just lived with one), you don't realize how busy they are and how hard the job is. I think most people look at teachers and only see the fact that they get the summers off. Believe me - they're working hard enough during the year to earn that summer!

Today is a rainy, foggy day and I wish we were staying in, but I've got an errand to run in Nashville after we drop Camden off. I've stayed so busy the last 2 days that I have not spent quality time with Rory even though it's been just the two of us. I'm determined to spend lots of time with her today, though, and skip everything else in the house.

Dani Mogstad: It's Elementary


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