The Beginning

It seems like our weekend just flew by! Friday I ran errands with the kids (and they were so not happy about it), took Camden for his 6 year physical (complete with kicking and screaming-literally-about the one shot he had to have). Brian worked at school all day Saturday so the kids and I spent a day working around the house. Sunday was church, dinner at Brian's parents house, cookout for our small groups in the evening and then bedtime. Rory was a bear because she missed her nap and was miserable in the heat and covered in bug bites, but Camden had a fabulous last evening before school!

It's 6:30 and Brian has already left for school; I've got Camden's backpack, lunch, and supplies ready (every crayon labeled as requested) and now I'm just waiting to go wake both of them up. I know that his world is about to change. He's going to learn so much and make new friends, not to mention that from this point on, there will be other significant influences in his life besides his parents. I feel confident that the Christian private school we have chosen will reinforce what we have been teaching him for the first 6 years of his life and that we have made the best academic and spiritual choice for him. I know we're blessed to have such a great school to send him to. I don't think I'll be the mother crying as we walk out the door (I come by it honest - my mother is not a cryer either). If we would have sent him to school last year, I probably would have, but he is so ready (and so am I!).

We discovered at orientation last week that we have the option of half-day school. Apparently, his academic day is over at 12:30 and we can choose to not leave him for naptime. I'm going to talk to his teacher this week, and we might decide to go with a half day. Not only will it help me out with Rory's nap schedule (if we do a regular day at school, I'll be dragging her out in the middle of her nap every day), but Camden is not a napper, and I know he'll just lay there and flop around on his little cot. We'll see.

I'm sure I'll have pics of his first day to post tomorrow, but for now here's a page I scrapped Saturday.

Lauren Grier: What I Like About You


Joy said…
Camden, have a great first day of school!!
Amanda said…
Hope he has a great first day and maybe he and Tre' will be buddies! I can't wait to see how Tre's first day goes.
Heather (mom2jma) said…
Hope your day went well and Cameron had fun on his first day! We still have 2 weeks left before we start 1st grade and I send the 2 little ones to preschool. Excited, yet sad that summer is over. But, it's on to new things!
joelsgirl said…
Aww, what a life changing day. I hope he had a great one!

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