Away at camp

Brian came home yesterday afternoon to teach youth group at church last night and took Camden back to camp with him. Camden was sooooo excited to be going, and was so funny! Brian called this morning and said that he had a blast his first night away. He's in a cabin with 8 other 13 year old boys, and he said the boys kept saying, "why didn't you let him come all week" because Camden laughs at all their jokes! We have read this cute little book to Camden once or twice about a little raccoon that is scared to go to school so his mother kisses his hand, wraps his fingers around the kiss, and tells him when he is lonely and scared to put his hand to his cheek and remember his mommy's kiss. Well, last night when I was telling Camden goodbye I told him I would miss him, and that sweet boy (who is obviously a genius to even remember this story we read to him several weeks ago) kissed my hand, folded it up, and told me not to be scared. He is just precious! Then he said, "let me goooo, bye!"


Anonymous said…
I love this page--the picture is so good and captures their childish enthusiasm and then you "framed" it perfectly. Thanks for the sharing the sweet goodbye from Camden--he is rather special and I think genius fits!
Your story about Camden made me cry. That is so sweet!

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