Taking Advantage of Sunshine

Yesterday we took advantage of the sunshine and went to Nashville to run a few errands, visit a park and have lunch at one of our favorite spots. We're already starting our "this might be the last time" frame of mind.

First up was Percy Warner Park which has a beautiful driving (or walking) trail. Even though it may feel like spring, the trees haven't quite gotten the message and are still very brown and bare.

It's hard to see, but there is a large, long stone staircase that takes you to the bottom of this hill. And, yes we walked it although my knees were wishing we'd taken the road that loops around instead.

Me and the kiddos

We stopped off at Fontanel Mansion to look around, and I wish we'd made a trip here in the fall because it would have been beautiful. Side note to my photography-loving friends: I'd forgotten how difficult it is to shoot in full sunlight, middle of the day with no shade in sight. Yikes!

This one is my favorite because they all just plopped down and I snapped this picture . . .

But this one is a little better from a photography stand point. Tip: When it's full sunlight and there is no shade, put your subject's back to the sun, meter off their faces, and then shoot the picture - helps eliminate the shadows and hot spots on their faces.

Today's agenda is includes a trip to Nashville for a doctor's appointment, lunch with a friend, and a trip to Sephora since I used the last drop of my make-up this morning. Run home for a quick brush-up on newborn and family photography, then back to Nashville for my first photo shoot of the season. Back home to pick up the family and off to a neighboring town for Camden's first baseball game. Tomorrow's schedule includes F.O.U.R. baseball games. Yes, four. I am tired just thinking about the weekend!


Elizabeth Frick said…
Sooooo lovely! And thanks for the shooing-in-the-sun tip!
KrisJ said…
What a fun day and what a busy weekend you'll have! Cant wait to see the shoot!!!
YES shooting mid day with sun is HARSH!! But those pics are darling!
elisa said…
Your pics look great. Your kids are so stinkin cute!!
Those pics are pretty freaking fantastic for your conditions! And wow - I want a short-sleeved day!

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