Happy Monday

Well, as busy as the last few weeks at work have been, this week will make up for it because it is so slow! Everyone is gone to a convention, and I'm left alone in this big building with very few people! Kinda feels like I'm on vacation. I'm wearing casual clothes cause I can, blogging in the middle of the day cause I can, eating at my desk cause I can - well, you get the picture.

Brian is taking Camden camping today and tomorrow. He says it's for his birthday, but let's be honest here. It's more for Brian than Camden! There is nothing he likes better than to camp. (And there's nothing I like worse than to sleep outside in the heat with no access to a bathroom or shower)

Because my family will never believe I did this and because I promised my mom to post proof on my blog, Brian and I spent several hours in the kitchen "putting up" (I think this is the technical term) corn. Brian went to a farm and picked corn Saturday and then yesterday we shucked it, cut it off the cob, partially cooked it, then bagged it up to freeze. Now, I'm sure we'll enjoy it, but this is probably more corn than we'll ever eat and I'm not so sure it's worth the effort. And just in case you're wondering if I'm turning into a country girl, this should set your mind at rest - I stopped at Starbucks this morning for coffee and I'm going to a dayspa (using a gift certificate I got for Mother's Day) to get a manicure/pedicure this week.


Anonymous said…
I'm proud of you, Melissa!
And you will find that corn is one of the most favorite dishes for company!!! Way to go!
Grandma E.

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