
I think the camping trip was a success. They're not home yet, but I talked to Brian and Camden last night and again this morning. They've played hard, made chili for supper, pancakes and bacon for breakfast, got very little sleep because it was so hot - you know the drill. I'm sure I'll have pictures to post tomorrow.

Camden had his first fall from his big boy bike. Brian said he was going to fast, panicked and slammed on his breaks, which made him fly through the air and he skidded underneath our friend's jeep (thankfully parked and not moving!). He got up, brushed himself off, and said, "I'm pretty tough." Isn't that funny? I can almost guarantee if I would have been there, he would have cried, though. Sometimes it's all about how much sympathy you can get.

I'll be glad to have them home tonight. They were gone Friday night as well, and I just kinda got lonely. I used to love having time to myself because it was so rare (and I do still enjoy it), but this summer with Brian's slower schedule and as Camden gets older, they've been going off and doing lots of boy stuff and leaving me home alone, and I'm kinda ready for a little more family time and not just the boys headed off together.

Here are two pages from yesterday.


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