It Gets Better

My chemo cycle is 28 days. After 4 cycles since July, I'm starting to see a pattern. I seriously struggle days 5-10ish. That's far enough into the cycle to be really tired of feeling sick; far enough into it that it feels like I'm not going to come out of it. To be so tired. To avoid phone calls and email. To feel like the days and nights are running together, and I can't seem to remember anything that's happened. I forget that I will feel better.

But along comes day 11 or 12, and I wake up feeling like a completely different person. This cycle it was Sunday that I finally woke up and felt like myself. We went to church, spent some time with old friends. Visited over lunch. I could feel myself coming alive again. Why is it so hard to remember each month that "this too shall pass?"

This morning I uploaded pictures from the last 2 weeks and remembered it wasn't all bad.

And next month? I'm going to remember that it gets better.

The kids are very interested/scared to death of all the spider webs. This one was really cool with the morning dew hanging off it.

Playing a little football.



Camden making it all the way across the monkey bars is a big deal. He is 9 and has avoided the monkey bars at all costs until recently. Overcoming your fears is no small feat.

Even Brian took a turn. Notice there is no picture of me taking a turn.

Silly faces. Too bad I didn't actually take advantage of this light because it was kind of perfect!


Camden has been SO patient helping Rory with her birthday lego set. I spent about an hour and a half the first day, but he's taken over ever since. He LOVES Legos and as long as he can be patient, I am more than happy to let him be in charge. Well, as long as she is happy for him to be the helper anyway. (What in the world was I thinking buying her a 220+ Lego set?)



Norman said…
Grandpa used to take a man for his treatments and he remembers some of those awful times this man experienced. Can somewhat relate to you, though not personal, himself, Melissa. So love and pray for you. We both like the saying that we learned from a fellow pastor who was going through his struggle with a child's illness. "This too shall pass." Gma E
Norman said…
The kids are growing up! And the spider web shot is awesome (with no spider).
Gma E
KirstyB said…
Nice to see a post from you today...I was beginning to worry about you. Watching my aunt go through chemo right now for breast cancer and I see the same cycle with her. Hugs to you and yours, Melissa!
HUGS, HUGS, HUGS. Can I just focus on how amazing these photos are and not the icky stuff you have to deal with?! Cause these photos ARE amazing. And the legos. That too is amazing. Especially Camden's help. It makes me excited for my future (which I have not been for quite some time... so thank you!)
omg love the spider web photo and the the rest of the photos are just as amazing!
Isabella has that same set plus a few others and Ethan "likes" to be helper too but you hear us say a lot of "Ethan HELP her do it, don't do it for her!" She is loving her legos though!
Joanna said…
HUGS to you, friend...and as usual, your pictures are amah-zing!
Proud of Camden for tackling the monkey bars!

And I totally understand about forgetting that it gets better. Anytime I am sick for more than a few days I start to think there is just something wrong with "me" and that somehow I have turned into someone who will never be able to function correctly. I can't imagine the mental toll that going through chemo is.

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