Tuesday's Tidbits

Great post that points out the importance of not getting so mired down in the everyday stuff that we miss out on the so, so important little things.

Rory's favorite phrase these days is, "I feel awkward, mama!" I am positive she doesn't have a clue what she's talking about since it's said in a perky, cheerful tone.

While at the park yesterday, Camden noticed that someone had carved their names into the picnic table. It was written Will -n- Julie. He read it, "Will minus n." ;)

Rory has had a cold pretty  much from the very start of school, but thankfully it hasn't morphed into her usual asthma related problems. Until yesterday. We're headed to the doctor today for inhaler refills. I've been feeding her cough drops like they're candy (which she loves, btw) and yesterday afternoon she said, "These taste so minty, mama. Now I don't even have to brush my teeth!"

While we're at the doctor's office today, the kids are getting flu shots. If you remember, Rory is the queen of screaming, non-brave behavior when it comes to needles. As in she literally starts screaming her head off the moment the nurse opens the door. I was hopeful this year might be different, but she's already cried several times this morning so I'm thinking 6 year old Rory is going to respond just as poorly as 5 year old Rory.

Our local weather station last night led off the news that this was going to be our coldest day/evening in 6 months. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Yes, I know most people hate cold weather. I happen to adore brisk mornings/days.

The kids and I are home alone this morning, and I've thoroughly enjoyed letting them snuggle up on the couch watching cartoons while I waste time drinking coffee and browsing the Internet. Back to a regular schedule tomorrow.

Quick picture from Sunday after church. I sure do love these 3 people.

Using the October BYOC at The Lilypad


Cheryl said…
Hi Melissa,

My kids get the flu mist (nasal spray). It is for kids ages 2 and up and they say it works better than the flu shot for children. Just suggesting that to avoid any crying/screaming.I wonder why your doctor hasn't mentioned that? My kids have been getting the flu mist for years and it.is.GREAT! No more tears. Good luck!
Eek! I hope the doctor appointment went ok. I'm desperately in need of a "normal" day around here as well. You roll with the punches much better than I do!
Poor Rory! I had two shots yesterday - flu and tetnas - and my arms are so stinkin' sore!

Sweet photo of your three loves!
Grammy & Papa have the joy of taking the kids on Friday when they don't have school to get their flu shots =) better them than me LOL

Hey I am hoping to paint my downstairs 1/2 bath in a darker grey and really debating on doing the kitchen/family room (open to each other) in a lighter grey! Like you said pops of turquoise and oranges thru out then! I have seen a couple Sherwin Williams greys I like I will have to see if I can find the paint swatch/paper from the store!
Amy said…
Hope there wasn't too much drama with the shots. They are definitely no fun at all. I don't even know what to say about those quotes from your kiddos....absolutely adorable!!

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