Just popping in for a quick update. We closed on our house Wednesday evening, painted almost the entire house Thursday/Friday and then moved Saturday. My mom is here until next week, and we could not have survived the weekend without the help of my parents and Brian's dad. Moving is hard work, people!
I'm discovering that we have clearly accumulated way too much stuff after 15 years of marriage and am trying to simplify as we unpack. Loving the house (despite the fact that the upstairs bathroom is not working - yikes!), but there is not as much storage space as we have been used to so finding a spot for everything is proving a little more difficult than I'd hoped.
Not to mention that there is no cable above the fireplace . . . which means I can't hang the big screen TV above the fireplace . . . which means my living room floorplan has completely gone to pot. These are not third world country problems I realize. ;)
I have not touched my camera in a week so there are no pictures to share although I have been (kind of) keeping up with my iphone. This is a big chemo/doctor's appointment/Neulasta shot week so I'm putting all my energy into unpacking as much as possible before Thursday. Maybe I'll be back over the weekend with an update and pictures, but don't hold your breath.
Hope all of my friends are safe as Hurricane Sandy blows through!
Yeah for simplifying your stuff (boy do we need to do that)
Yeah for families!!
Yeah for maybe it won't cost a ton to have a cable line installed above the tv???
Yeah for hearing from you soon! :)