Martin Luther King Day

This was clearly an exciting weekend for our family since I couldn't even remember what we had going on for several minutes this morning as I sat down to write today's post. :) Friday night was the lock-in and Brian had 18 teenagers. He survived. That's about all there is to say about that. He got home about 7:30, finished up some church work (I actually caught him asleep at the computer), and then he napped for several hours. I took the kids to the library and to Target in an effort to get them out of the house, and we actually had a nice time. On any given day, Target is pretty dangerous to our bank account. Add in their January 75% clearance, and it's very dangerous! I managed to walk away with only a few things and Camden informed me on the way home, "well, this is the first time I liked shopping."

I had a little stomach bug yesterday and stayed home from church. How awful is it that as I got into bed last night the thought crossed my mind the price of a stomach bug was almost worth being alone for several hours (which hasn't happened in months!). LOL

I'm sure I posted last year when the photo shoot happened, but Rory's debut as a cover model is now available for purchase. You can view it here.

Since today is Martin Luther King Day, it was quite appropriate that I finished up this book over the weekend (excellent, by the way). Brian went into full teacher mode and gave Camden and Rory a lesson on civil rights and Martin Luther King's legacy this morning. We even listened to the speech online and as usual it brought tears to my eyes. I wasn't sure how much Camden would pay attention, but he seemed to really be taking it in and asked alot of questions for which I'm grateful.

I'd like to say we're having a great vacation day, but I think laundry, grocery shopping, maybe eating out for dinner, gymnastics, and then the second night of 24 is on the agenda. Life goes on, even on a Monday holiday.

Lauren Reid: Track of My Life


Elizabeth Frick said…
wait, wait, wait. 75% off? ;)
and i totally hear you on the moments alone and the price we pay for them...
I have weekends like that too... where I go "wait, what did we do?!" at the end...
joelsgirl said…
i like that layout sooo much, and i think it is way cool that Rory is the cover girl!
tinetinesmom said…
Oh my goodness, Melissa! Rory is beautiful on the cover!! What a keepsake for her!!

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