SP Day 4

Not much to say today since we've spent most of it cleaning and doing laundry. It's so exciting. (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?) I know, didn't I say we spent several hours doing that on Monday too? Somehow, the house just doesn't stay clean with two kiddos running around.

Brian's parents, grandparents, and aunt are coming over for dinner tonight. It will be nice to have company. His grandparents live far away in Virginia so we do not get to spend much time with them. I'm taking Rory for her first haircut in a few minutes. The mullet is getting to me. I have no idea if this is her first official haircut, but it's her first with us anyway.

Brian finished up our homecoming video. I think there are still a couple of Korea videos still in the making, but he's way too busy for videos these days!


How exciting to be getting her a haircut!!!

can't wait to see pictures... crossing my fingers for a quiet hair cut... =)

I can't wait to watch the video at home... is there a tissue warning? =)
Korea Adoption said…
WOW!! Wonderful Video!! I am in the beginning of the process and want to make sure I capture all the important moments when they come. Are you able to tell me what program did he use to put your great video together? Your doing a wonderful job on your blog. We will keep checking back. Thanks.

John (Some Day Father) in Michigan
Amanda said…
oh how I feel your pain. We got Hannah and Tre back yesterday evening and Tre' managed to destroy the house in a matter of minutes. I think I am going to go insane :) Just keep telling myself it will get better, this too will pass. Have fun with the hair cut and be sure to get pictures for a great scrapbook page!

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