
So I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that we got an email from Memphis immigration office yesterday telling us that there had been a mistake and our I600 had never been mailed to the National Visa Center (NVC) two weeks ago like they had said. The good news is now that we know what the problem is and Memphis was sending it via DHL to the NVC and hopefully things will progress more smoothly from now on. We should be looking at about another 4 weeks before travel. I know losing two weeks in the process doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but when you're waiting for your baby girl to come home, two weeks seems like an eternity. I am very grateful that we know what was wrong, though, and that it seems to be fixed.

I am a horrible U.S. citizen. When I changed my drivers license a couple of months ago, I also applied for a new voter's registration card since we had changed counties. Well, it never even occurred to me until last night when I tried to find the card, that I never received it in the mail. So, no voting for me today. I will definitely have it fixed before November, though.

Brian has been so stressed the last several weeks. Teaching this first year has been pretty overwhelming. I can't even begin to tell you how many hours he is working each week, but it's ALOT. A representative from the state education board is observing in his classroom today so he's a bit nervous about that. He says he's not nervous about teaching, just nervous because you can never predict how twenty ten-years will act!


Karen said…
I'm so sorry about the delay. That stinks. I'll pray that things move faster from here on out so it's not really four more weeks!!
Amanda said…
Sorry for the delay but glad you found out why the hold up. I love the page. Hope you have a great day today!

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