It's Friday!

So our Valentine's Day 2008 was quite eventful, but not exactly in the way we expected. Although it did involve beautiful cookies (from my boss) and gorgeous tulips (thank you, Micah, Becky, William, and Xavier), the rest of the day did not involve romance! I blogged yesterday about the news that we received on Rory. It was cause for many tears and no small amount of emotional anguish, but we're feeling much more calm and at peace this morning. And while we were not expecting this news about her medical condition, it does not change the fact that she is our daughter. The truth is, the doctors in Korea are only speculating. We could easily bring her home and things be either better or worse than we're expecting. We are trusting that God knows what is best. I was thinking on the way home from work yesterday about what would be the best way to explain to Camden, and I immediately thought that we need to tell him that "God made her this way. He doesn't make mistakes." And as soon as the thought entered my mind, I thought, "Melissa, pay attention to yourself! God made her this way and God doesn't make mistakes."

This could very possibly be my last Friday home alone! For those who know me, you know that I crave alone time. I am happy to give it up, however, to have my Rory home. I am going to try to join this day to the fullest. Of course, that includes grocery shopping and laundry, but that's okay!

Camden is spending the night with Gram and Gramps tonight so that Brian and I can go out to eat. I'm not sure if we'll see a movie or just come home for a quiet evening. If I can convince him, we might even shop!

Tomorrow we're finally taking Camden to Chucky Cheese, and then in the afternoon we're going to the airport to help welcome Kim, Jeremy, and baby Emma home from Korea.

Compassion International has sent a group of popular bloggers to Uganda to help promote awareness of the crisis there and to encourage others to sponsor children monthly. I'm going to link you to three blogs that Brian and I read regularly. There are some very moving videos of their trip there so you might want to settle in with a tissue before you read them. Incidentally, Ragamuffin Soul and Whittaker Woman are the ones who convinced us to travel to Korea to pick up Rory. Now, we don't know these people personally, but we ran across their blog by accident. They traveled to Korea to pick up their son Losiah from Korea and documented their trip with a series of videos. After viewing the videos, we immediately said that we *have* to go. If you want to see the videos, click here.

Ragamuffin Soul
Boo Mama
Whittaker Woman (married to Ragamuffin Soul)

I scrapped this page several weeks ago. If you scrap, I used Black Cherry, a collab by Gina Miller and Emily Merritt. It's on sale today.


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