Happy President's Day

Brian and Camden are enjoying some father/son time together today since they're both out of school. I am working, but find that I don't really mind. (somehow knowing you've only got days left to work make it not seem so bad!).

Friday night Brian and I left Camden at his Gram and Gramp's house and went to Olive Garden to eat. I had the lasagna rollatini (all those commercials about it really suckered me in!). Brian has his typical Tour of Italy. We then spent the next several hours running errands for our trip. We went to Target (my second trip of the day), Kohl's, a bookstore, and Toys 'R Us. (by the way, if you have any good suggestions for small toys that a 17 month old might enjoy on an airplane - send them my way because we're feeling clueless).

Saturday we took Camden to Chuck E. Cheese, and that was not an experience I want to go through again soon. Camden definitely had a good time, but it was SOOOOOO crowded and noisy that I was sure we were going to lose him among all the people. And video games aren't really my thing, but there were more adults playing the games than kids! After Chuck E. Cheese, we took Camden to the mall to let him pick out and buy an outfit for Rory. He was so proud of himself! We also found a great Tennessee Titans sweatshirt that was originally $55 on clearance for $2.97! We bought it for Rory's foster dad.

After the trip to the mall, we went to the airport to see Jeremy, Kim, Samuel and Baby Emma. It was so great to see them finally home with Emma after their long wait, and it was good for us to see in person that the process really does work. Hopefully, that will be us soon! I also think it was good for Camden. We told him that this is what our family and friends did when he came home - that they all came to the airport to meet him and they cheered and help up signs welcoming him home. We also told him that this is what we will do for Rory as well. I think it was a good "trial run" for him!

Brian and I have officially made our trip to Korea the main focus of every single conversation. I know we're probably driving everyone else crazy, but there is so much to think about and plan for, and we have finally jumped in head-first. We're both getting very excited and actually starting to believe that this is really going to happen!

I had a scrap page to show you this morning, but blogger is not letting me upload pictures for some reason, so you it will have to wait until tomorrow.


Amanda said…
Sounds like ya'll had a great weekend. You would think I would have some suggestions for toys for a 17 month old but here I am about to have my 3rd child and all of a sudden I feel clueless. Hope you have a great day!
Karen said…
We took Sam on his first trip (other than that other BIG trip he took!) when he was 18 months old. Of all the stuff we brought, he occupied himself most of the time with little board books. Not very creative, but it's what he liked! Maybe a couple of Little People figurines would hold her interest, too. They good for little hands and easy to carry. I'm so excited for you!!
Mary said…
I saw your blog link on Amanda's page and I've enjoyed reading about your journey toward adoption. My two girls love their mini-magnadoodle. It fits in the diaper bag and makes no noise! They also love to play with My Little Pony. My thirteen month old loves the brush that comes with the pony almost as much as the pony. You guys are in our prayers.
Angie said…
I am so excited for you guys! And I don't mind at all hearing about you talk about all the details of the trip. It is great to hear it after watching you wait all these months and the trials you have faced in the process. So you can talk about it all you want around me! We are praying that everything will go smoothly these last days of waiting!!

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