Activity Scene
Oh, for them to stay this little and naive forever. Rory and her "Activity Scene."
a.k.a. Nativity Scene
If you've hung out with me here for very long then you know how important family and family holidays are to us. Last year we were all set to travel to Oklahoma to be with Becky, Micah, William, Xavier, my parents and brother (who were traveling from Illinois). Unfortunately, I ended up in the ER with strict instructions to not go anywhere. If you're in love with your family like I am, then you'll understand how devastating it was to not spend the holidays together.
This year, Becky and her family (along with my parents and brother) are supposed to be traveling to Tennessee tomorrow. For the last several days, the vague thought about what catastrophe might happen this year to keep us apart has danced around in my head. And while it's not a catastrophe, Becky has a very sick boy that might keep them home for Christmas. Anyone want to join me in a quick prayer that his fever will go away and we'll get to be together for Christmas?
Because it feels like a catastrophe to not spend Christmas with my family 2 years in a row.