To Make You (and me) Smile

How about some happy photos?








Deb Kennedy said…
Oh my! These definitely made me smile!!! She's such a sweet little beauty!
Been keeping you in my prayers!
Joy said…
Precious!!! : )
Nobody could look at that face and not smile! Delightful.
Elizabeth Frick said…
Oh Rory... I'm so ready to meet you! You remind me of one of Olive's buddies on our block. So dramatic and so adorable :)
riches11c said…
LOVE IT!!! Love the dress love the smile love love love her! And Malia thought it was her! We have little twinners!
Susanne said…
Oh Good Lord HOW do you stand the cuteness???? She is so beautiful and you can just see she has personality abounding!
Grace said…
she is SO stinkin' cute! and gorgeous!!!
you're going to be beating off those boys with a stick!
Anonymous said…
TOTAL cutie pie!!!
These are so freaking fantastic!!!

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