Going, Going, Gone

Brian and Becky both say all is right in their world now that I'm blogging regularly again. Funny, since I live with Brian, and talk to Becky  nearly every day sometimes more than once. :)

So Camden's front tooth has been loose for literally 6 months. It started sticking out, overlapping his other front tooth, created a big gap between the teeth, etc. And, last night, after merely an hour of pulling (LOL), it finally came out.

He was so excited.

And there were a few tears. Rory completely cracked me up as she sat next to him, kissing his arm and telling him to be brave. Of course, she also really wanted a turn at the pulling.

Then he decided to try it himself, and he tried hard despite a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

We pulled out an apple (which he was completely unable to eat at this point).

Brian took over again, and right before this picture Camden asked me, "Do you think God knew before I was ever born how this was all going to turn out?"
Checking out himself in the mirror.

And his smile will never be the same.


Anonymous said…
We knew it was coming, it just took longer than we thought. He still looks pretty doggone cute!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Is it wrong that my stomach turned at the mere thought of a loose tooth? I am *so* dreading that stage!!!
But cute photos, of course :)
Mayme said…
I love that smile! Way to go Camden.
Joy said…
Melissa, Camden is growing up so fast!! He looks very handsome with his missing tooth. : ) We are about to venture into *tooth fairy* time and I am SO not ready!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful new smile! There is something so adorable about those front teeth missing!
Wow! He's so cute with that missing tooth!

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