
So the official diagnosis is pneumonia, but because Dr. H thinks it's viral, we're holding off on an antibiotic. When he asked me if I was okay with waiting for a day or two to see if she starts to feel better on her own, I wanted to ask him if he were okay with coming to spend a couple of days at my house so that I could get some sleep, but decided that wasn't appropriate. So, we're waiting. And she is most definitely not better yet. I'd like to say that I'm the epitome of motherly compassion, but since I pulled out the camera when she plopped down right in front of the door and started sobbing (yet again) because of her finger prick, I'm clearly not.

And, by the way, she's had a popsicle, 1/2 granola bar and an orange in the last 48 hours. Good thing she's got all that extra weight on her to lose (insert eye roll here).


Elizabeth Frick said…
Oh! Poor girl :(
You're melting my heart...
Feel better soon, sweet girl.
Anonymous said…
That is the most pitiful but utterly adorable couple of pictures ever. I hope she does get well on her own in the next couple days, it is no fun at all being sick!
Amanda said…
I hope she feels better very soon!! Poor thing!
Poor, pitiful girl! She's still really cute!
KrisJ said…
She looks exactly like Malia in those pics lol!! Malia is NOT a good sick patient either!
Angie said…
Hope she feels better soon and you are able to get some sleep!!
Mayme said…
I would have given you $50 to have said to Dr. H:) Hope she feels better soon, let me know if I can do anything for you.
Maria said…
If it makes you feel better, one time after we had been to the doctor multiple times and I was short on sleep, I DID tell Dr. H. that if he didn't give us SOMETHING, I was sending Ellie home with him because I couldn't do it anymore. I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell him. He laughed -- and gave us something. :-) I certainly hope Rory feels better soon. AND... I can meet you any day next week to get the clothes. I pick the kids up every afternoon so I could meet you then, if you want. Email me...
Krista said…
Oh no... Rory! The thing that helped me with pneumonia this fall was cough syrup w/ codine - most likely not appropriate for a child - but the codine really helped me sleep.

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