Happy Independence Day 2012

We celebrated July 4th this year with friends and family at Michael and Liz's house. It was crazy hot, but Michael had ice-cold root beer in glass bottles as usual to keep us cool.

Liz and I attempted some photos with Addison before everyone arrived, but Miss Addison was having none of it. Out of 127 photos I took, I found just a couple with a pleasant expression. We're going to try again on a cooler day!


Still cute, just no smiles.

Those fat thighs make me want to eat her up.




Popsicles are always good for keeping kids happy.

These are pretty self-explanatory, but so good! Double Stuff Oreo cookies (only my favorite thing) on a lollipop stick, dipped in white chocolate then sprinkled with colored sugar.

Do we look hot and sweaty or what! Pretty sure my make-up had melted off and all hair product had evaporated at this point. And, no, Camden did not have a tragic haircut - it's just pasted to his face with sweat. ;)

Hope yours was filled with family and fun like ours!


Karen said…
Cute photos!! I think Rory and Sam could have a most-sun-before-mid-summer contest! Not sure who would win... Saw Brian's Facebook post. Will most definitely be praying for you tomorrow. Hope it's as easy as possible on you. I've got my second treatment tomorrow and am trying to be less anxious than last week. It feels like I JUST did the last one. I am sure you can relate. Prayers and hugs!
Joanna B said…
She is so stink'n cute! I love the family photo, you all look great, even Camden's sweaty hair. :-)
"Tragic haircut" ... hahahahaha! Looks like a wonderful, but hot, time!

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