Random Thursday

I'm leaving this morning with my sister (Elizabeth) to meet my mom and other sister (Becky) in St. Louis for a couple of days. We're hanging out, shopping, eating, and going to a Beth Moore conference. In the meantime, here is a little list of random things from the week.
  • Camden informed us Sunday that he wishes there was a Camden's Day (because we were celebrating Father's Day and emphasized that Brian got to have his favorite foods, do what he wanted, etc.). Apparently, he's unaware that most days around here are Camden's (and Rory's) Day.
  • When we told Rory this week that I was going to be gone for 3 days, her little face started to fall, then she brightened up and asked if she and Daddy could watch something fun on TV.
  • Not sure exactly how this conversation started at supper Monday night, but somehow we made it around to the fact that babies live in their mother's bellies for 9 months until they're ready to be born. Camden giggled and said, "But how do they get out. That's the question." I can't decide if this was the right answer or not, but Brian casually said, "Remember the goats? It's about like that." I guess there's some benefit to grandparents whose goats keep popping out baby goats when the grandkids are around.
  • Ever since the little dancing episode the other night, the kids have been practicing moves and routines including such accessories as backpacks, hats, capes, and make-shift pirate head gear. It's hilarious, and I have no idea where they've come up with this whole idea of dancing. I promised Brian that we don't sit around watching music videos.
  • Rory came running into the kitchen last night and informed me in such a proud voice, "I growing up, mama! I don't have to stand on tip toes to reach the sink water. Aren't you so proud of me?"

Sahlin Studio: Grunge


I think 3 is going to be a fabulous age if S is anything like R!

PS - I love the title of this... Thursday?! :-)

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