Goodbye, All-Stars

When Camden was invited to be on the all-star team, we were concerned about the time commitment (practices 7 days a week seems a bit extreme for 6 year olds), but specifically the time commitment on Sundays. We try to keep Sunday free of activities except church so that we can honor the Lord's Day. We were willing to compromise for a few weeks and let him practice and play the occasional game on Sunday afternoons, but we weren't willing to miss church. After talking to the coach and having him reassure us that the games would be in the afternoons, we decided to give the all-star team a chance. But after only one week on the team, it became clear that the initial information he gave us was incorrect and the head coach asked us to commit to 4 straight Sundays full of baseball games, and we decided that we just couldn't do it. We were all disappointed, especially Camden, but I feel like we made the right decision for our family. And we've enjoyed this first real week of summer with no baseball practices and games - just lots of time together and lots of Camden and Rory playing together. I did manage to take one picture (of course!) of Camden in his all-star uniform before we returned it.

And if you can stand another swimming picture, I happen to adore this one!


That's a real bummer about All-Stars! It stinks that you weren't given accurate information up front as well.

And, I gotta say, you are ROCKING the photos lately!!!
Joy said…
I'm with Christine - the photos are AWESOME! (More tips please!) : )

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