Boring isn't so bad
I’ve kinda struggled with this whole stay at home mom thing. Struggled a lot actually. To be honest, it’s pretty boring much of the time. I can hear the collective gasp of the rest of the world's stay at home moms either because (a) I admitted to the world it’s a bit boring or (b) that I would actually think spending 24 hours a day with two of God’s most precious blessings is boring. But it’s true. I was in a funk most of this week with the sameness of it all. So Friday afternoon I sat down during naptime and did some reading on being content and started listing my blessings. And as I did, I realized that boring isn’t so bad. Boring means everything is going really well. Boring means I have nothing to complain about. So my goal is to spend a bit more time reveling in the boring times and thanking God for them.