Happy Halloween!

Today is a coffee day, maybe even a double shot of espresso. I was up until well past 2 a.m. No idea why - just couldn't sleep. Less than 3 hours of sleep is not a good thing. This is the first year that Camden has been interested in Halloween. He even wanted to dress up this year and chose Spiderman. Unfortunately, our soccer Halloween party got canceled; the church canceled their Halloween party, and we've got church tonight so I'm not sure when he's going to get to wear his costume! I told him maybe he can trick or treat at Gram and Gramp's house this weekend. I've been meaning to list a few fun and not-so-fun things that Camden is doing right now, and I finally sat down and remembered a few of them. 1. He's discovered that his fingers fit really well in his nose. Not a fun thing. 2. His new favorite phrase is "You're wearing me out." I think he might have heard this from me one too many times. 3. He has always loved hugs and kisses, but now...