Tuesday Tidbits

Camden is trying out for a solo part in the Christmas program at school today, and he could not be more excited. It's been at the top of his "best part of the day" list for WEEKS.

Rory climbed into the van yesterday after school and asked if she could clean up after supper. With no help. Well, of course! She took a solid 45 minutes doing it all, but she told me she "had the best time ever" when she was finished.

Snow? In November? Yes, it happened. Brian even had a 2 hour delay at his school, although in this county teachers are still expected to show up. And it was 19 degrees this morning - this is sooooooo not typical for Tennessee!

They've been studying Asian countries in Camden's class and his teacher offered him the option of teaching the section about Korea. Camden jumped right on it and made up this display (he wrote all his classmate's names in Korean) along with some facts. He also took everything Korean that we own and left it set up at school for a week.

I took senior portraits for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago.

We had some great pumpkins this year.

This girl is too much.

Oh, look - I scrapped it!
110114_unstoppable copy

Because I don't want to forget it, my friend Andrea stopped by this past Wednesday on my birthday. She brought me coffee, but her real purpose was to pray with me. When people ask what they can do to help? That's it. Pray with me. Coffee isn't necessary, but it doesn't hurt either. :)

I'm working from home the rest of this week, and I'm going to enjoy it.


Love your tidbits! I especially love your dishwasher and the awesome Korean board Camden put together!!

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