
Since I STILL have not heard results of my scan and CA125, let's just distract ourselves with some catch-up pictures, shall we?

The one and only Halloween shot - hey, I had just arrived home from a week-long business trip and it was cold, dark, and rainy. Also. We clearly did not put a ton of time or effort into costumes.

We had a Trunk or Treat at our church as an outreach event, and it was wildly successful. Many families participated who have not really been involved yet, and we had several new families show up Sunday as a result of visiting on Halloween night.

Kids divided up candy and shared. I would like to note that my pile was not this large, and I did not get a note.

From my trip to Jeni's a couple of weeks ago.

The never-ending corn maze on the hottest day of the season. It was like mid-80's and we were all sweating. Notice my children are not in the picture - that's because they were off in another part of the maze with friends. Kind of a new stage for us!

Let's just ignore all the chopped limbs, please, and focus on the cute people.

Hello, cute!

Even cuter

They're not bad either.


I am flying to Oklahoma later today to celebrate both of our birthdays, and I would really LOVE to have this whole scan/bloodwork business behind me before I go. I will update when I have results.


It feels odd to comment on this post, after the last one. But these photos are beautiful. i love the one of your niece and your mom.

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