
You know what's good for a case of the blah's? The Pentatonix Holiday Pandora station.

Also, scrapping.


And pretty pictures.



Lunch with friends (coming later today) also helps. Plus just a tad bit of Christmas shopping.

And then a photo shoot this afternoon with a group of very cute siblings.

Today is one of the days that I'm needing to keep the good things right in front of me in order to not worry about the hard things.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5


Vicky said…
You're living in technicolor! I love seeing the hues and tones of color coming through your photos accentuated by the light pouring through everything. So much grace I feel. Smiling along with you and praying the light just keeps on shining.
I’ve been listening to the same thing!! See, meant to be friends. It’s totally helped my mood too. I love these pages!
I miss scraping (no computer) anxious for the project life app to come to Android
is that Brian in the lady photo? I love it!

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