
This is the setting at our house every night after supper. Camden gets to work on his homework assignments (usually only 15 minutes or less) and Rory works on her "homework." Brian is typically in charge of homework. I mean, he is a teacher, right? I take care of it occasionally, but his day job gives him a completely different perspective than mine. On this particular night, Camden was working on his very first book report and they'd been sitting there for over an hour (and I think Brian was just about d.o.n.e. - notice the hand on the head). Rory, who during the day can hardly be bothered to ever pull out a coloring book and sit long enough to color, will "work" as long as Camden does and the other night she actually wrote her name for the first time. Completely surprising since (a) we have not practiced and (b) shouldn't you be able to actually say your ABC's before you can write them? I guess I need to move on from the increasingly frustrating task of teaching her to say the ABC's and go straight to writing sentences.



Elizabeth Frick said…
Rory, you little smarty-pants! :)
Angie said…
Love the look on Rory's face!
Wow! Way to go Rory! And I *love* Brian's body language here...

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