
I clearly have not been grateful enough for Brian these past 8 weeks for the privilege of grocery shopping/Target shopping without children because it took every last bit of patience I have to survive my trip to Nashville this morning with the kids in tow. Actually, they behaved just fine (mostly), but the number of questions I had to answer in one 3 hour period as well as the Star Wars scenarios I had to endure from Camden while Rory sulked because she didn't get to exchange a duplicate birthday gift like Camden is enough to drive a sane woman crazy. ;)

I do have one funny Camden story to share. While at the library this morning I noticed a man who was clearly homeless (the stench and his big bag were my final confirmation), and when we returned to the car I asked Camden if he had noticed and mentioned how sad it was he had to spend his days at the library with nowhere to go or a bed to sleep in and tried to move into a teaching moment about why we should be grateful, not complain, blah, blah, blah. This was Camden's response: "Yeah, that makes me so sad for him. He has to be quiet all day long over and over with no talking." (because, yes, being quiet all day is the epitome of sadness for Camden). He then continued, "He's got a hard and struggling life. There's not even a TV in that library." Right. Totally the point.

Shabby Miss Jenn/Kate Hadfield: Fruit Stand
Gina Miller/Amy Wolff: Whirlwind


Elizabeth Frick said…
Oh Camden... you're too funny :)
Mayme said…
A well thought our reply from Camden. Who would want to spend their days being completely quiet!
omg Camden too funny! Such tough little concepts for 7yr olds!
Oh man... That was exactly the laugh i needed!

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