My Poor Girl

Anyone remember this picture I took last year after dropping Camden off at school the very first day?

I have a sinking feeling it's going to be worse, much worse this year. We had parent orientation last night and the kids both came along. Rory was so excited to visit Camden's school (although I'm pretty sure she had something more exciting in mind that the little meeting we attended). When we left, she broke down and was absolutely distraught. And I do mean distraught (think uncontrollable sobbing and only wanting to curl up with me the rest of the evening). She is so heartbroken to be left behind, and really there's not much I can do about it. She's such a little social butterfly and I know she'd be perfect for preschool, but there's just not room in the budget for another monthly payment. The whole episode certainly made me rethink canceling gymnastics, but there's that whole monthly budget issue. I'm definitely going to have to try harder this year to keep her busy. I've bought a few preschool books and we're going to start working with some ABC flash cards, etc.

After our little trip to school last night, Camden has officially changed his mind and is ready for school. He was pretty cute in all of his excitement to be back around friends. I think his poor teacher is going to have her hands full unless she immediately changes the seating arrangement - Camden is right next to and directly across from two of his best friends, and we all know how chatty he is!

Our internet was out almost all day yesterday (again!) so it's a good thing my friend Andrea came over for a couple of hours. The adult conversation saved me from complete insanity, and the kids had a blast together. I snapped a quick picture of her daughter while she was here since we rarely see blonde hair around our house, and I wanted to practice. :)

And I can hardly believe it, but I actually scrapped a page last night. I've been a big slacker in the scrapping department lately so it felt good to pull out a Diet Mt. Dew, some popcorn, and stay up late scrapping last night. :)

Lilypad August BYOC


Elizabeth Frick said…
Aw... be strong, Rory!
I'm starting some pre-school of our own with Olive after Labor Day. The opposite of Rory, O would shrink like a violet in a day care situation. So I'm trying my hand at a little home-schooling. Let me know if you find resources you really like!
Poor Rory!!!

Spencer and I have been doing a few "lessons" here as well (only in the mornings, two days a week since that is all this mama can handle!) It's amazing how much better he is then!
Deena said…
You're welcome to borrow Brook any time you want to photo a blonde. :) She'd love hanging out w/ Camden & Rory, and probably wouldn't mind the pictures. She has a fake smile though, so you have to catch her not posing.

I really enjoy your blog.

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