A Little of This and That

Tennessee has had a brief break in humidity yesterday (and this morning) so the kids played outside after school yesterday - something we haven't been able to do because of the heat. And Camden was able to finally play on those monkey bars during recess that he's been "dying" to play on. Of course, we found out later that he actually didn't play on the monkey bars because he was too scared. Now that's the Camden we all know and love.

Camden got a "leash" as he called it for turning in some fund raising info at school. He's been in first grade for a week and has already brought home 2 fund raisers. And those teachers know how to get what they want since they've been promising him all kinds of prizes if his parents will just sell a certain number of things. Unfortunately, he's got poor, hard-hearted parents. :)
A self-portrait that should never see the light of day.
Who knows what Rory was thinking here, but I guess she was feeling good at being outside with no sweat involved.
Kinda looks like she's picking her nose, doesn't it.
Trying on her new Matilda Jane dress. I know, I know. It's become an obsession.

Today is a marathon laundry day, doing a little a "school" with Rory, and I actually have plans to cook supper tonight - something I've slacked on this summer when it's 100 degrees out. I also started the Couch to 5k program this morning only a mere 2 years after planning to start. Have I mentioned I hate exercise?

Enjoy your Tuesday!


Amanda said…
Tre' was so excited about those monkey bars as well. It was one of the first things he told us about yesterday.
Brian Lewis said…
Matilda must be giving us a great deal here lately!

BTW, if you're reading this comment and you want to buy a magazine subscription for Camden's school fundraiser, just leave a comment here. I'm sure Melissa would be glad to contact you with more details. I have to say, the prices seem like a good deal!

How's that for hijacking a blog for a sales pitch!
Oh, I love that dress!!! (And the self-portrait... no matter what you say!) I could use a break in humidity... can you send it this way please?
Elizabeth Frick said…
Love the MJ dress. So very cute!
And yay for the C25K! Awesome... when's the race?
Love the self portrait! and so proud of you for starting the C25K I started once, but didn't finish and you aren't the first one this week I read about...Looks like I need to jump on the bandwagon and start it back up too!

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