Lovely Weekend

Is it wrong to say that our kid-free time was lovely this weekend? Because it was. Just lovely to eat a meal with only adult conversation and run errands without car seats, and to enjoy a quiet Saturday morning without cartoons. And despite the fact that Rory burst into tears the minute we pulled into Gram and Gramps' driveway because she "was gonna be worried" about me, she didn't want to leave Saturday morning so I think it's safe to say she got over that whole worry thing. Camden was kind enough to sleep in the same room with Rory so she wouldn't be scared in Gram and Gramps' new house, although I am certain that he was the one who needed a little bit of company.

After the kids arrived home Saturday, Camden spent the rest of the day playing with one single Silly Bandz. Seriously. One Silly Bandz. There is no need to buy this kid toys! Rory slept the afternoon away and we settled in for our regular Saturday night tradition: pizza and a movie.

Hope your weekend was lovely too!

Sahlin Studio/Jennifer Barrette: Vintage Carnival
Crystal Livesay: Jumpers 61-64


Elizabeth Frick said…
What's this "kid-free" you speak of? It sounds glorious. ;)
Amanda said…
I agree! Kid-free times are soooo very lovely!!
Lovely sums this up perfectly!!

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