Kung Fu Panda

The kids and I took advantage of the last week of summer free movie program and saw Kung Fu Panda for probably the 198th time this morning. It involved lots of screaming children, 2 boys who literally ran up and down the theater aisles for the entire movie plus a grown man who sat behind me and gave a running commentary including appropriate Kung Fu noises. Our temps this week are 99/100 every day until Friday when it cools down to a balmy 96 so we're a little low on activities since outdoors is not really a good option.

The truce Camden and Rory seemed to have developed over the summer is definitely over, and the past few days have not been easy as I have reverted back to my role as referee. I keep reminding myself it's part of being a parent, and that keeping calm when they can't is part of the job description. Not sure how well I'm succeeding at the moment.

Here are a couple of pictures I took of them both this weekend as I was practicing a technique for my photography class. Pretty sure there was bribery involved to get them to be still. :)


Anonymous said…
Whatever you bribed them with must have been good, because those smiles do not look fake!
Elizabeth Frick said…
Oh man... that movie viewing would have driven me to the brink.
Oooo.... Bribes!!
KrisJ said…
Ya the end of the summer brings sibling drama for sure!! LOVE the pics though good job!

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