Almost Wordless Wednesday

Rory has been in a model mood lately and has been asking me to take her picture. Apparently, all my begging and bribing for pictures has finally won her over. Even Camden, while not asking to have his picture taken, has learned that it's easier to just cooperate and get it all over with.

This was actually after the "photoshoot" was over, and Camden was just trying to be sweet. As usual, Rory only wants kisses on her own terms.
This would be Camden after I laughed at him trying to kiss Rory.

This is her go-to face when I pull out the camera these days. Nice.
And this would be her second go-to face. Has she been watching America's Next Top Model during naptime? (cause she's sure not sleeping)
Finally a smile!

When Camden got in the car yesterday, he declared his second day of first grade to be marvelous. Where does he get these words?


Elizabeth Frick said…
I love the "model pout". Very chic, Rory!
Anonymous said…
Ok, that picture of Camden trying to kiss Rory MUST be submitted to a photo contest!!!

And, the model pout, well, Rory's just a natural! So cute.
I was thinking the same thing as Kelly... you really do need to submit that "kiss" photo. Maybe to Adoptive*Families?!

The rest of the photos are, uhm, "Marvelous" as well!

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