Finally Friday

Things I heard from Rory on the way home from taking Camden to school this week:
  • "What is that noise? It's 'nnoying me." That noise happened to be a piece of classical music.
  • Telling her baby, "I'm going to 'dopt you from Illinois and we'll be a family."
  • "Can we buy a cat and a cow for our back yard?"
  • "If you do not blow dry my hair, you will always, always be my best friend." She's developed a serious aversion to the blow dryer even though we usually reserve the full-service salon services for Sunday. :)
And despite having cried/whined/pouted literally every single day we dropped Camden off to school last year, she's sent him off with a wave and a smile every day this week. Now that's progress!

Shabby Princess: Giggle Box


Elizabeth Frick said…
OH, Rory... I'm so glad your mama is documenting these things for you. And us. :)
And you blow-dry her hair? Wow. Olive would NEVER go for that.
HA! Rory... you are fabulous!
Anonymous said…
A cow for your backyard--love it!

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