On the Road Again

Most of the time I don't mind too much living out of the city (although I could live in a downtown city loft and LOVE it); it's quiet, we're not worried about crime, Camden can play outside on his own, etc. It's a bit inconvenient to be 25 minutes away from a good grocery store and Starbucks (although, let's face it, if I were any closer to a Starbucks I would probably never sleep from all the caffeine), and 35-45 minutes away from Nashville, but most of the time it's all right. This week, however, I'm tired of it. We spent all morning Monday going to the doctor, pharmacy, library, and Target. Yesterday, we spent all morning just grocery shopping. And today, I'm headed BACK to the pharmacy in Nashville because they made a mistake and didn't have our prescription Monday. The kids are more than done with all the driving. I used to have a 40 minute commute every day, and it was okay. When you've got a 2 and 5 year old with you complaining and fighting every second, those 40 minutes feel like a lifetime.

We had our second Esther Bible Study session last night, and it is so good. I almost feel like I need to listen to the DVD's twice in order to catch it all.

A few things about Rory this week:
  • Rory has been a bit whiny this week, and I've been telling her that if she'd like to whine, she can go to her room. If she wants to be happy, she can stay with me. She tells me, "my want to whine, mommy" and heads off to her room. Every. Single. Time.
  • When she's irritated at Brian for telling her no, she calls him "bwian" as opposed to "daddy". Lord help us when this girl is a teenager.
  • She had her first potty accident this week after being dry for almost 3 weeks. She was so embarrassed, and I just tried not to laugh because she was so obviously shocked that her pants were wet.
  • When American Idol came on last night, she pointed and said clearly said Danny Gokey. She even pointed him out when they were lined up. That is some kind of memory to remember me talking about him last week! As far as I know, she's never said "Danny Gokey" before!
Dani Mogstad: In Your Easter Bonnet


Amanda said…
The Esther study is so fantastic. I started mine this week and I find my self wanting to do the next lesson to find out what is gonna come out next.Even though I have read the book in the bible a bunch of times it is just really coming alive to me in this study. Love it!
Rory continues to crack me up - even long distance!

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