Throwback Thursday


I'm spending this Halloween with my feet propped up, right knee in an immobilizer, listening to the wind blow outside. The plan was to have family friends over for dinner while the kids dress up and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, but I am fairly certain there will be no visitors to our front porch in the middle of the crazy wind and rain. We'll still have friends over, eat chicken tortilla soup, and I guess we'll just have to eat the candy ourselves.

Our fall color finally exploded this week, but I'm certain after this weather blows through, all those leaves will be on the ground. Being out of town 3 of the last 4 weekends has put a cramp in our fall celebrations, and we haven't even bought pumpkins this year.

How about an old Halloween picture instead? We were in Texas 2 years ago today.


Amy said…
So sorry about your knee. Hope you're feeling better soon. You're not the only one who hasn't bought a pumpkin this year. :)
Holy stabilizer!!! I'm sorry that it's not a quicker and easier fix… :(
Lori! said…
On the bright side, you toes have a lovely polish and you have a very pretty pillow to rest your weary knee. Praying that it feels better soon!!!

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