Oh, the pretty pictures

This past weekend, I had the privilege of taking pictures of my friend's daughter, and it was so fun. I seem to generally photograph younger children, and I've got to say that a 13 year old who actually wanted to have her pictures taken made things very easy for me.

Camden came with me, and I used him as my test subject for light. This location might look familiar, by the way. It's right down the road from where we lived for over 5 years and I have taken many, many pictures at this exact spot. Camden, who is my sentimental child, had fun remembering all the walks, bike rides, and photo shoots that have happened here.







And when I mention walks with a friend here on the blog - now you can put a face to that activity.


These photos are so GORGEOUS!!! I'm seriously swooning over them. Each time I think that "this is my favorite!" I scroll to the next one and change my mind! Simply STUNNING.

(And, are you telling me when Spencer reaches her age he'll let me take photos?!)
KirstyB said…
What a beautiful young lady!! :) You got some gorgeous shots with yummy lighting!! :)
Vicki Bridges said…
Lovely, you have a talent for this!
Amanda said…
So very pretty!!
Mayme said…
When did this girl grow up? I'm feeling old!!
Krista said…
What a lovely collection of photos for your friend and her daughter!

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