Snapshot #10

Outside my window: a cool, cool breeze. Fall weather might finally be here to stay!

I am thinking: about Valerie Harper on DWTS. She kinda made me cry every week, not to mention her partner Tristan is my favorite pro. How a 74 year old woman with terminal cancer is out there dancing blows my mind.

I am thankful for: that things are winding down around here. I mean, things are still busy, but Brian and the kids both have some off days soon.

Last 3 purchases: nothing, nothing, and more of nothing.
Dinner plans:  vegetable beef soup if I can pull it together - I'm trying to remember instructions from my mom and Brian's mom, and I don't always do so well without a recipe. Okay, I rarely do well without a recipe.

Future plans I'm looking forward to: meeting a special blogging friend tomorrow.

Kid funny: Camden's two favorite words these days are awkward and terribly.

I am reading: Unglued and getting ready to start City of Glass.

In the kitchen: not a whole lot actually; working on eating through our pantry and freezer this month. Again.

Watching: A better question might be "what am I not watching?" My DVR and Hulu queue are FULL from all the returning fall TV.

Snacking on:  still cherry tomatoes from the garden although this is probably the last week. Also, popcorn. Because it's my favorite.

Rest-of-the-day-plans: finishing up a week's worth of laundry, headed to the urgent care because that earache from back in July has returned, and Rory's t-ball game.

little tiny teal toes (Addison) matching mine


Ha! I was thinking about doing a snapshot post too today... but I'm too tired. :)

Did you like Unglued?? I need a quick read before I dive into "The Fiery Cross."

And, I wish I had the discipline to feed us from the freezer and pantry. :-/

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