
Flowers from Brian on my appointment day.

My phone rings for the second day in a row after regular operating hours, and I have to say I'm impressed by the patient care. Even more impressed by my CA125 number of 14.3 - ties my lowest number ever, and you can just see the relief washing over all of us at the supper table. I don't have another doctor's appointment scheduled until January 14. Also a record!


Camden and Rory are out of school the rest of the week, which works out well since that cough Camden has had for the last 4-5 weeks finally made me feel guilty enough to take him to see the doctor this morning. Guess what? It's pneumonia again. Oh, when will I learn.

Our Thursday afternoon schedule is very easy: we're all taking it easy. All except Brian, whose school is not dismissed, but the rest of us are kinda doing a whole lot of nothing.


Vicky said…
I am doing virtual backflips over your news!! Amazing- I don't think mine have ever gone so low :) Praise God! No new appointments until after Christmas!!! I'm just trying to soak all that in :) Poor Camden- I hope he feels better soon and gets rid of the cough. Glad you are all just taking it easy.
Cheryl said…
So glad to hear the good news! you have been in my prayers, as always. Glad you get a break over the holidays! Take care :)
Unknown said…
Praising God for your good news. And although the kids are under the weather, I pray that you enjoy your time together. :)
Unknown said…
So Happy for your wonderful news!! I hope you will allow your self some time between now and January with out worrying (as a fellow survivor I know how difficult this is).
I remember doing a happy dance around the living room when I saw the announcement on FB. I'm seriously SOOOOO happy for you!!! AND, no appointments til the new year?! AWESOME.

PS - I hope Camden feels better SOON.
Krista said…
I know this is late in coming - but FABULOUS NEWS!!! Enjoy your time away from the doctors!

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