Almost 8
So this boy of ours is somehow almost 8 years old, and I've just got to say that it's not the easiest of ages. Almost 8 year old boys are pretty obnoxious (just in case you haven't been around one recently). He still has sweet moments, and he's still pretty darn funny, and definitely too smart for his own good, but those obnoxious moments have been outweighing the others recently. I feel like this is one of those times as a parent that I really, really need to work on being more patient and accepting and loving him just as he is right now.
We've been growing his hair out since January, and one day before school I fixed it for him (most days, there is no "fixing" allowed) and thought he looked so handsome. I grabbed the camera and in about 30 seconds had these pictures, which are pretty representative of him right now.
And as annoying as I'm sure he can be, I've always had a soft spot in my heart for this age of boys... so adorably awkward :)
And, seriously, I'm afraid of the stage you and Camden are in. Terrorized, actually.