More news

First item of the day - a funny story about Camden. I asked him at supper tonight what he wanted to be for Halloween (and I should probably mention here that he is 4 and until this moment has never cared at all about Halloween). He says, "a butterfly!" So I try to nicely tell him that usually butterflies are girls, and he heartily disagreed. He explained that on Little Einsteins the caterpillar was a boy and turned into a butterfly. So! We might have a butterfly around here for Halloween. :)

My doctor's office called today and the radiologist who looked at my mammogram wants me to come in for an additional mammogram and an ultrasound. It sounds like it's probably just due to my age and they are just double-checking because of our family history, but it's enough to make me a little nervous. And, here I thought I was home free after my negative test results yesterday. The excitement just never ends around here, does it!

Two layouts from the weekend - the first uses a picture from our trip to the St. Louis zoo last October. This lizard was eating these mice when we went by and I thought Camden might be scared, but he wasn't at all. I, however, was traumatized! The second page uses a picture of Camden and his second cousin.


Unknown said…
How stressful! You'll be in my prayers!
First...hooray for the negative test results! You've been on my mind so much here lately!

I'll be praying as you go back to the doctor for another mammogram (which I hear is really normal with first mammograms.)

Love you my friend!

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