Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! I know all of you out there will think we're horrible parents, but Camden has no costume this year. He just doesn't care about it, and I decided not to wrestle him into something. So we'll just be handing out candy to the trick-or-treaters tonight. Brian is actually going to be home, and we're all happy about that!

Was planning to go to Curves at lunch today (I've really been neglecting that!) but stopped in at Target to pick up a new prescription. I just finished an antibiotic yesterday, but my sinus infection isn't totally gone and now I've got a sore throat so the doctor called in something new for me. Hopefully this will finally take care of it.

I think I can spill the beans now about my scrapping news from a couple of weeks ago. Dani Mogstad asked me to her new November Guest CT member. You can read about it on Dani's Girl Talk blog. I love her designs so I'm very excited.
Here are a few layouts from the last several days.

Trimming the Tree using Dani Mogstad's Kitschmas Cheer kit

Family Pic at the Zoo - credits here Boo Face - credits here


Nikki said…
These layouts are so awesome Melissa! I especially love the color of the photo in the last one, wonderful!!

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