Snapshot: August

Starting . . . a Kelly Minter Bible study on Friday mornings with gals from church.

Reading . . . almost everything recently has been a win!
  • Night by Elie Wiesel - how have I never heard of this book before? A definite 5 stars.
  • What the Dead Know by Laura Lippman - I stayed up until midnight finishing this one.
  • Here's to Us by Elin Hilderbrand - unbelievably depressing with unlikable characters
  • Falling Free: Rescued from the Life I Always Wanted by Shannan Martin - absolute 5 stars and a book I will be recommending for a long time
  • The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson - a fun, quick YA read
  • The Expats by Chris Pavone - meh
  • Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch - fun
  • Last Ride to Graceland by Kim Wright - whimsical
  • Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple - quirky and excellent
Listening . . . lots of good things here too, although heavy on one particular topic. Completely representative of what's occupying my mind these days.
Watching . . . Olympic viewing took over our evenings for me and Camden in August. Brian didn't have time to watch, and Rory slept through most events. I'm falling asleep to America's Got Talent recently (it takes me 3-4 nights to make it through an episode; I'd complain about that, but it means I'm sleeping so I'll take it). It's taken us 3 months to watch the first 2 episodes of O.J.: Made in America (fascinating and thought provoking - we absolutely made the kids watch the first episode which dealt with history of race and riots in L.A.).

Admitting . . . we are struggling to keep our heads above water. August - October are brutal for Brian in terms of work hours. He honestly just never stops because there are not enough hours in the day and days in the week. The kids feel the stress, I feel the pressure; Brian feels all of it. Things never truly slow down when you're a full-time teacher and children's pastor, but these months can suck the life out of us if we're not careful. 
    Anticipating . . . Labor Day. Hello, no work or school.

    Thankful . . . for car pool two days a week (especially since I don't have the morning shift!).

    Drinking . . . triple venti iced espresso with 3 pumps of white chocolate mocha. Let's blame Becky for this.

    Eating . . . lots of fresh fruit and veggies because it's all in season!



    Laughing . . . Rory described the Olympians as "burly."

    Also laughing . . . Camden wearing sunglasses even at night because "I can and it feels cool."

    Photos . . . 

    Waiting for a ride to school; she's decided she wants to wear hairbows again.

    Feeling like this is the last summer for cute little boutique dresses. So sad!

    All the scowls all the time from this one. He's learning how to be a teenager while we're learning how to parent a teenager.


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